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Showing posts from September, 2024

How I chose my Pen Name for fantasy writing

One of the most important decisions for a writer is choosing a pen name. A pen name is a name that you use instead of your real name when you publish your work. It can help you create a distinctive identity, protect your privacy, and appeal to your target audience. I have been writing fantasy stories on Wattpad for a while, and I have changed my pen name several times. When I first joined Wattpad, I went by the name of KittyPrydeofxmen, because I was a fan of the X-Men comics and movies. Then I changed it to Silkytiger because I liked the sound of it and it had a feline touch. However, neither of these names felt right for me as a fantasy writer. I wanted a pen name that would reflect my genre and style and sound professional and memorable. I also wanted to avoid using my real name, because I wanted to keep my personal and writing lives separate. So I started looking for a pen name that would suit me as a fantasy author. I searched online for some inspiration and found a pseudonym name

Abby Castle: The Journey of a Fantasy Writer

Hello, everyone! Welcome to my blog, where I share my journey as an aspiring fantasy author. My pen name is Abby Castle, and I've been using it for over three years now. I'm currently working on a series of novels that are set in the same universe, along with some other projects that I'm excited about. I've been working on this series for a few years now, but I'm still far from the publishing phase. I've always loved reading and books. They were the only thing that my family ever seemed to know that I loved, so every Christmas and birthday they would get me books as gifts. By the time I turned 21, I had amassed a collection of 301 books, but sadly they got ruined by the rain because of the lack of space at my grandparents' place, where I had to move back to after leaving my ex-boyfriend (more about that on my other blog). My favorite genres are fantasy and horror, and I enjoy immersing myself in different worlds and stories. I started writing when I was abou

How to avoid overused holiday tropes in your writing

The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and creativity. But it can also be a time of clichés, stereotypes, and predictability. If you are a writer who wants to write a holiday-themed story, you might be tempted to use some of the common tropes that have been done to death by countless books, movies, and TV shows. But how can you avoid these overused holiday tropes and make your story stand out from the crowd? Here are some tips to help you: 1. Don't rely on the magic of Christmas (or any other holiday) One of the most overused holiday tropes is the idea that the magic of Christmas (or any other holiday) can solve any problem, heal any wound, or make any dream come true. This trope is often used as a lazy way to wrap up a story without any real conflict, character development, or logical explanation. It can also make your story seem unrealistic, cheesy, or boring. Instead of relying on the magic of Christmas, try to create a story that is grounded in reality, has believabl

How to put twists on popular tropes from each genre

Tropes are common patterns, themes, or devices used in storytelling. They can be found in every genre, from romance to horror, and they can help readers to quickly identify the type of story they are reading. However, tropes can also become clichés, predictable, or boring if they are used too often or without any variation. That’s why it’s important for writers to put twists on popular tropes, to surprise, challenge, or subvert the expectations of their readers. In this blog post, we will explore some examples of how writers can put twists on popular tropes from each genre.                    Romance Romance is a genre that is full of tropes, such as the love triangle, the fake relationship, the enemies-to-lovers, the forbidden love, the meet-cute, and so on. These tropes can be fun and satisfying, but they can also be overused and predictable. Here are some ways to put twists on romance tropes: Love triangle : Instead of having the protagonist choose between two love interests, have t

Spicy scenes and having family read it

I have a confession to make: I’m very shy when it comes to anything ‘spice’ related. You know, the kind of scenes that make your heart race and your cheeks flush. The kind of scenes that my older brother loves to read in his spicy books. I can’t even say the word ‘sex’ out loud in front of my brothers, let alone write it. Instead, I use a code word: ‘uh uh scenes’. But that doesn’t stop them from teasing me, especially my younger brother and older brother. They think it’s funny how I get embarrassed by something so natural and normal. Maybe it’s because I’m autistic that I have trouble with this. I’ve always been sensitive to sensory stimuli and emotions. Sometimes, they overwhelm me and I don’t know how to express them. Writing has been a way for me to cope and communicate, but writing spicy scenes is a whole different challenge. I found out the only way I could write those scenes and share them with my older brother was when I get high. Yes, you read that right. I get high and write

How to write spicy scenes in private or around family

Writing spicy scenes can be a challenge for many writers, especially if they have to do it in private or around family. You might feel embarrassed, awkward, or even guilty for writing such scenes. But don’t worry, there are some tips and tricks that can help you write spicy scenes without feeling uncomfortable or compromising your creativity. Tip 1: Use headphones or earbuds One of the easiest ways to write spicy scenes in private or around family is to use headphones or earbuds. This way, you can block out any external noises and distractions, and focus on your writing. You can also listen to some music that matches the mood and tone of your scene, such as romantic, sensual, or erotic songs. Music can help you get into the right mindset and inspire you to write more vividly and passionately. Tip 2: Use a code name or a pseudonym Another tip to write spicy scenes in private or around family is to use a code name or a pseudonym for your project. This can help you avoid any awkward quest