Writing in bed or writing at a desk
• For me it's writing at a desk, I just feel more productive at a desk rather than in bed and at my "desk" I have more quiet time versus my room at the moment.
Listening to music or writing in silence
• I have to write with music or some type of background noise, the quiet irritates me and makes me feel uncomfortable.
Plotting or Pantsing
• I'm both actually, I plot while I go otherwise my work in progress goes off script if I pre-plot and then I have to scrap my outline.
Killing off characters or writing romantic subplots
• I do both of these to be honest, but I'm more likely to kill off characters than to go through with the romantic subplot.
Publish traditionally or self publish
• I really don't know about this one since I'm nowhere near ready for this stage, I'm not sure which is better.
Stick to one genre or write multiple genres
• I have one MAIN genre that I write in but I add in horror and romance so I'm unsure if it's still one genre or multiple.
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