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This or that: Writer's edition

Writing in bed or writing at a desk                   • For me it's writing at a desk, I just feel more productive at a desk rather than in bed and at my "desk" I have more quiet time versus my room at the moment.  Listening to music or writing in silence           • I have to write with music or some type of background noise, the quiet irritates me and makes me feel uncomfortable.  Plotting or Pantsing              • I'm both actually, I plot while I go otherwise my work in progress goes off script if I pre-plot and then I have to scrap my outline.  Killing off characters or writing romantic subplots          • I do both of these to be honest, but I'm more likely to kill off characters than to go through with the romantic subplot.  Publish traditionally or self publish       • I really don't know about this one since I'm nowhere near ready for this stage, I'm not sure which is better.  Stick to one genre or write multiple genres             • I have o

What is something that can ruin a writing session?

Something that can ruin a writing session for me would have to be writer's block and people interrupting my writing time.  Other things that can ruin a writing session:           1. Life           2. Friends and family          3. Work           4. Procrastination 

What kind of kid songs inspire you as a writer?

The sad songs in some of my favorite Disney movies inspired most of my heartbreak and sad potential breakup scenes. The songs from Jem and the Holograms have been my inspiration for some of my secret-keeping scenes. Some of my favorite confession of love songs from many favorite animated kid movies were an inspiration for some of my revelations of love scenes.

A song for the daughters on reaping day in my main character's village

The Reaping Song Verse 1: When the moon is full and bright And the shadows dance in the night We hear the whispers in our ears The Reaping is drawing near Chorus: They come to take the chosen ones To train them as the council's sons They make them kill without remorse They make them serve the darkened force Verse 2: We never know who they will pick We only hope they do it quick We hug our daughters and we pray The Reaping will spare them today Chorus: They come to take the chosen ones To train them as the council's sons They make them kill without remorse They make them serve the darkened force Verse 3: We see the cloaks and hear the bells We know they cast their wicked spells We watch them drag the girls away The Reaping has claimed them today Chorus: They come to take the chosen ones To train them as the council's sons They make them kill without remorse They make them serve the darkened force Outro: The Reaping is over for now But we know they will come back somehow We l

Share your writing space

Names you thought of for your MC but ended up not using and why?

Down below are the names that I had thought of for my MC Arwen  I used this name when I was in the plotting stages of my WIP, however when I first started outlining the name didn’t sound right for her anymore, so I ended up scrapping it and began the search for something else.  Marble  I didn’t want to use this one because it didn’t sound right for my main character, but I do plan on using it soon for another character’s name that will be appearing in a later book  Shimmer  This is another name that didn’t feel right as the main character’s name, but like Marble it will be used in a later book for another character  Gimmick  I ended up using this name in book 2 for a brand-new character that my MC meets along with an old familiar face from her past that is linked to this new character who happens to be a witch.  Zetta  I can’t pronounce my ‘Z’s’ very well and they come out sounding like ‘S’s’ so that’s why I ended up scrapping this name because I wanted to tell people my main

How I chose my Pen Name for fantasy writing

One of the most important decisions for a writer is choosing a pen name. A pen name is a name that you use instead of your real name when you publish your work. It can help you create a distinctive identity, protect your privacy, and appeal to your target audience. I have been writing fantasy stories on Wattpad for a while, and I have changed my pen name several times. When I first joined Wattpad, I went by the name of KittyPrydeofxmen, because I was a fan of the X-Men comics and movies. Then I changed it to Silkytiger because I liked the sound of it and it had a feline touch. However, neither of these names felt right for me as a fantasy writer. I wanted a pen name that would reflect my genre and style and sound professional and memorable. I also wanted to avoid using my real name, because I wanted to keep my personal and writing lives separate. So I started looking for a pen name that would suit me as a fantasy author. I searched online for some inspiration and found a pseudonym name